Online Volumes And Issues
Volume 25, No. 1, 2024
  • Anders Strindberg: Democratic Security: A Concept for the Swedish Total Defense Approach 
  • Per-Erik Nilsson, Ivar Ekman: "Be Brave Like Ukraine”: Strategic Communication and the Mediatization of War 
  • Ilija Životić, Darko Obradović: Telegram as a Specific Playground of the Kremlin’s Information Operations in Serbia 
  • Milica Ćurčić, Zoran Dragišić, Marina Dabetić: Matrix Adaptation for Modern Challenges: Nuechterlien’s Role in National Interest Research 
  • Nikola Mlinac: Hibridna inteligencija kao nositelj protuobavijesti i hibridnih prijetnji u kiberprostoru - Hybrid Intelligence as a Carrier of Counterintelligence and Hybrid Threats in Cyberspace  
  • Anastasios-Nikolaos Kanellopoulos: Enhancing Cyber Security and Counterintelligence in the Shipping Industry 
  • Marko Tomljanović, Dragan Mišetić, Sanja Gongeta: Suvremeni izvori gospodarskog rasta u procesu uključivanja Bosne i Hercegovine u Europsku uniju - Contemporary Sources of Economic Growth in the Process of Joining Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union 
  • Kolë Krasniqi: Russian Subversive Influence on Islamic Radicalism in the Countries of the Western Balkans 
  • Blaž Beretin, Mladen Viher: Zaštita okoliša tijekom provedbe vojnih aktivnosti u obalnom području na primjeru rta Kamenjak - Environmental protection during the implementation of military activities in the coastal area on the example of Cape Kamenjak 
  • Marta Vrbetic: Protecting Dayton’s Shared Governance by Countering Faux Narratives of Russia’s Influence in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Book Review: 

  • Ran Yi: Huw Dylan, Michael S. Goodman, Robert Dover: The Hidden Wiring of Government: "Research Agenda for Intelligence Studies and Government"
Published / Objavljeno: 10 tra 2024 06:15:00
Volume 24, No. 3, 2023.
  • Assoc.Prof. Giliam de Valk: Total Warning 

  • Eleni Kapsokoli, PhD: ISIS’s digital Jihad Preparation 

  • Ljubomir Filipović, PhD candidateConfluence of Influence: Russo-Serbian Influence Operations(s) in Montenegro 

  • Anastasios-Nikolaos Kanellopoulos, PhD candidateWestern Balkans Salafist Networks and Terrorism in Alania: An Interdisciplinary Analysis 

  • Margareta Gregić, PhD candidate and Jelena Božić, PhD candidateCrisis Management Through Verbal and Non-verbal Communication – Zelensky vs Putin

  • Dragan Mišetić i Gordan Radić: Menadžment privatne sigurnosti u suvremenom dobu - Private Security Management in the Modern Time

  • Dr. Barak Bouks: The Iranian Involvement in the War in Ukraine and its Implication on Broader Arenas as the Middle-East - The Test Case of Unmanned Drones 

  • Assist. Prof. Gordan Akrap: Conclusions of the 8th Zagreb Security Forum

Published / Objavljeno: 19 pro 2023 04:41:00
Volume 24, No. 2, 2023.
  • Juraj Csefalvay, Rastislav Kazansky : Strategic Studies, Strategy, and Strategic Thinking in Study of Security 
  • Viacheslav Semenenko, Myhailo Lobko: Russian-Ukrainian War: Preparation, Execution, Future Prospects  
  • Robert Kolobara: Information Operations as a Means of Cognitive Superiority - Theory and Term Research in Bosnia and Herzegovina  
  • Robert Kolobara: Informacijske operacije kao sredstvo kognitivne superiornosti – Teorija i istraživanje termina u BiH  
  • Josip Mandić, Darijo Klarić: Case Study of the Russian Disinformation Campaign During the War in Ukraine – Propaganda Narratives, Goals and Impacts  
  • Ante Batistić: Dosadašnja istraživanja sigurnosno-obavještajnog sustava Republike Hrvatske - Previous Researches of the Security and Intelligence System of the Republic of Croatia
Published / Objavljeno: 05 srp 2023 05:31:00
Volume 24, No. 1, 2023.
  • Shlomo Shpiro: Intelligence and the Ukraine War: Early Lessons and Research Roadmap 
  • Gordan Akrap: Transatlantska suradnja i nova euro-azijska sigurnosna arhitektura
  • Gordan Akrap: Transatlantic Cooperation and New Euro-Asian Security Arcitecture
  • Slaven Zdilar: Sigurnosni izazovi
  • Slaven Zdilar: Security Challenges 
  • Viacheslav Semenenko, Valery Frolov: Military Aspects of Countering Hybrid Aggression: Ukrainian Experiences 
  • Stepan Yakymiak: Hybrid and war Actions of the Russian federation at Sea: Lessons Learned, Cooperative Countering and Prospectives 
  • Vasyl Shvaliuchynskyi: The Experience of the Ukrainian Army in Countering Russian Aggression
Published / Objavljeno: 05 sij 2023 05:50:00
Volume 23, No. 3, 2022.
  • Valeri Modebadze: How the war in Ukraine affects Russian economy and Sino-Russian relations 
  • Robert Kolobara: Media information operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina - cognitive battlefield and use of digital neurotoxicants 
  • Hichem Derradji, Ali Madouni: The securitisation of development in Africa: causes, mechanism, and consequences 
  • Krešimir Fileš: Incentivizing Low-level Organization Members By Increasing Their Behaviour Factors Is Crucial For An Innovative And Secure Up-to-date Workforce​
Published / Objavljeno: 02 stu 2022 04:15:00
Volume 23, No. 2, 2022
  • Gordan Akrap: Russian Aggression on Ukraine and Zagreb Security Forum 
  • Jan Goldman: Ukraine: History and a Threat to World Order 
  • Anatoliy Sirotenko; Viacheslav Semenenko: Fundamentals of the Comprehensive Use of Military and Non-Military Forces and Means to Counter the Hybrid Aggression -
  • Viacheslav Semenenko, Andrii Ivashenko: Russia’s Total War: A Challenge and a Threat to Europe -
  • Vira Ratsiborynska: EU-NATO and the Eastern Partnership Countries Against Hybrid Threats (2016-2021) -
  • Barak Bouks: The War in Ukraine Through the Prism of Presidential Decision-Making Processes, vis-à-vis Media and Cyber Warfare
Published / Objavljeno: 26 ožu 2022 07:29:00
Volume 23, No. 1, 2022
  • Giliam de Valk: Analytic Black Holes: A Data-Oriented Perspective 
  • Florian Coldea: Intelligence Challenges in Countering Hybrid Threats 
  • Laris Gaiser: Chinese Hybrid Warfare Approach and the Logic of Strategy 
  • Valeri Modebadze: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Contributed to the Rise of Authoritarianism Through the World 
  • Tarik Solmaz: Hybrid Warfare....... 
  • José L. Diego, Iván L. Martínez: EU-HYBNET: Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats 
  • Andrew N. Liaropoulos: Digital Authoritarianism “Made in China”: Installing a Digital Dystopia
Published / Objavljeno: 03 vlj 2022 11:07:00
Volume 22, No. 3, 2021
  • Ljubomir Filipović: Analysis of the Foreign Malign Influence in Montenegro 2019-2021
  • Eleni Kapsokoli: Cyber-Jihad in Western Balkans
  • Barak Bouks: Conflict Coverage by Terror Movements’ use of Mass Media and New Media – the case of Irani Proxies: Hamas, Hezboallah and the Hutis
  • Darko Trifunović, Milica Ćurčić: National Interest in Security Science: a Realist Perspective
  • Jerko Livaja: Decentralized Security Systems in Hybrid War Conditions with an Emphasis on the Security System in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Zoran Milosavljević, Andrijana Maksimović: Impact of Social and Security Factors on the Intensity of Integration of Immigrants to the EU
Published / Objavljeno: 21 pro 2021 09:55:00
Volume 22, No. 1-2, 2021
  • Mirko Šundov: Nove tehnologije i obrambene transformacije – buduće operacije 
  • Mirko Šundov: Programs and Investments in Disruptive Technologies in Defence 
  • John M. Nomikos: European Intelligence Cooperation: A Greek Perspective 
  • Ephraim Lapid: The Israeli Challenge of Cognitive Influencing 
  • Valery Modebadze: Creeping Occupation of Georgian Territories and Russian Aggression Against Georgians Living in Occupied Territories 
  • Darko Trifunović: International criminal law and terrorism 
  • Miroslav Tuđman, Gordan Akrap, Vedran Matošić: Leksikon izvještajnog nazivlja (1. dio) - Lexicon of Intelligence and Security Terminology (Part 1)
Published / Objavljeno: 18 kol 2021 01:16:00
Volume 21, No. 3, 2020.
  • Nikola Mlinac, Gordan Akrap, Jadranka Lasić-Lazić: Novi oblici manipuliranja u digitaliziranom prostoru javnog znanja i potreba za uspostavom digitalnog i podatkovnog suvereniteta - New Forms of Manipulation in the Digital Public Knowledge Space and the Need to Establish Digital and Data Sovereignty
  • Darko Trifunovic, Zoran Bjelica: Cyber War – Trends and Technologies
  • Vasko Stamevski: Povijesni razvoj i položaj obavještajne službe Republike Sjeverne Makedonije - Historical Development and Position of the Intelligence Service of the Republic of North Macedonia 
  • Nikola Anić, Petar Anić: Umjetna inteligencija kao segment strategije – ili značenje (uloga) umjetne inteligencije u strategijskom planiranju - Artificial Intelligence as a Segment of Strategy Or the Meaning and the Role of AI in Strategic Planning 
Published / Objavljeno: 05 ožu 2021 11:55:00
Volume 21, no. 1-2, 2020
  • Gordan Akrap, Viacheslav Semenenko: Hybrid Warfare Case Studies – Croatia and Ukraine
  • Darko Trifunovic, Darko Obradovic: Hybrid and Cyber Warfare – International Problems and Joint Solutions
  • Bernard Dukić: Politički islam (islamizam), terorizam i utjecaj islamskih zemalja u Bosni i Hercegovini - Political Islamism, Terrorism and the Influence of Islamic Countries in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Julienne Busic: Wasteland of Political Correctness
  • Report on the National Endowment for Democracy
Published / Objavljeno: 19 pro 2020 12:44:00
Volume 20, br. 3, 2019
  • Miroslav Tuđman: Prvih 20 godina časopisa National Security and the Future - First 20 years of National Security and the Future Journal
  • Đilda Pečarić: Časopis National Security and the Future: bibliometrijska analiza u razdoblju od 2000. godine do 2018. godine - National Security and the Future Journal: Bibliometric Analysis from 2000 to 2018
  • Roman Domović: 20 godina o dezinformacijama, krivotvorinama i medijskim manipulacijama - 20 years about Disinformation, Information Forgeries, and Media Manipulations 
  • Đilda Pečarić: National Security and the Future journal contributors from 2000. to 2019.
Published / Objavljeno: 07 tra 2020 09:53:00
Volume 20, br. 1-2, 2019
  • Gordan Akrap: NATO and EU, EU and NATO – the future interdepending relations
  • Laris Gaiser: NATO - EU Collaboration on Hybrid Threats: Cooperation Out of Necessity with Potential Consequences on International Legal Framework
  • Gordan Akrap: Hybrid Challenges Require Hybrid, Scientifically Based, Responses
  • Giliam de Valk:  On Screening and the Insider Threat – A Methodological Exploration
  • Darko Trifunović: Elements of Critical Infrastructure Resilience
  • Eyal Pinko: Maritime Cyber Threats  and Challenges
  • Tonči Prodan, Josip Kasum, Marin Stošić, Ćiro Ugrin: Security Challenges and Guideline Proposals for the Development of Underwater Security
  • Robert Kolobara: Hybrid Threats In 21st Century – Theory and Research of The Term In Bosnia And Herzegovina
  • Robert Kolobara: Hibridne prijetnje u 21. stoljeću – teorija i istraživanje nazivlja u Bosni i Hercegovini
Published / Objavljeno: 03 sij 2020 12:46:00
Volume 19, No.3, 2018
  • Veljko Miljević: Institut združenog zločinačkog pothvata u presudama MKSJ s posebnim osvrtom na presudu u predmetu Prlić i dr. - Term Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Judgements of the ICTY with Special Reference to the Judgment in the Case Prlić at el.
  • Nika Pinter: Politika neprihvaćanja dokaza u predmetu IT-04-74 - Policy of not Accepting Evidences in Case IT-04-74
  • Željko Holjevac: Hrvati u Bosni i Hercegovini od Berlinskoga kongresa do Domovinskoga rata - Croats in BiH from the Berlin Congress to the Homeland War
  • Ante Nazor: Kontinuitet velikosrpske politike i uloga Hrvatske u obrani BiH od velikosrpske agresije i spašavanju Muslimana u BiH 1990-ih, na primjeru Bihaća - Continuity of the Greater Serbian Policy and the Role of Croatia in the Defense of BiH from the Serbian Agression and the Rescue of Muslims in BiH in the 1990s - Case of Bihać
  • Miroslav Tuđman: Banovina Hrvatska bauk u predmetu IT-04-74 - Banovina Hrvatska - A Fear in Case IT-04-74
Published / Objavljeno: 28 pro 2018 08:10:00
Volume 19, No.1-2, 2018
  • John M. Nomikos: Cyber Security Incidents and Terrorist Threats in Greece
  • Giliam de Valk: Critical Infrastructure and The Unknown: A Methodological Quest
  • Laris Gaiser: European Critical Infrastructure Protection: The Need for a Regional Approach  and a Cyber Constant Contact Strategy
  • Adrian Hänni: Prequel to The Present: Multilateral Clubs and The Secret History of International Counterterrorism Cooperation in Western Europe, 1969-1989
  • Goran Belamarić: Piracy as a Form of Modern Terrorism at Sea
  • Tonći Prodan, Marin Stošić: Endangering Maritime Security – Risk Scenarios and Counter measures
  • Polona Šprajc, Iztok Podbregar: A Resilience Based Approach to Critical Infrastructure and Social Safety Issues
  • Iztok Podbregar, Polona Šprajc: Adaptability of State to a New Ci Challenges – with Focus on Cyber Warfare Domain
  • Pavle Kalinić, Anastazija Bakran, Boris Guberina: Water management in the City of Zagreb
  • Gordan Akrap, Pavle Kalinić: Bezposadne letjelice i terorizam - UAVs and Terrorism
Published / Objavljeno: 03 lis 2018 06:11:00
Svezak 18, br. 3, 2017 - Volume 18, No. 3, 2017
  • M. Tuđman: S prezirom odbacujem vašu presudu!
  • S. Praljak: Praljak Defence Closing Statement 
  • S. Praljak: Završne riječi obrane generala Slobodana Praljka 
  • L. Mišetić: Did the Tribunal Find Franjo Tuđman Responsible for Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina? 
  • L. Mišetić: Je li Tribunal utvrdio da je Franjo Tuđman odgovoran za etničko čišćenje u Bosni i Hercegovini? 
  • M. G. Karnavas: General Slobodan Praljak’s honorable defiance 
  • M. G. Karnavas: Časni prkos generala Slobodana Praljka 
  • C. Antonetti: Izdvojeno i djelimično suprotno mišljenje   predsjedavajućeg vijeća: Kontekst

Published / Objavljeno: 11 vlj 2018 10:19:00
Svezak 18, br. 1-2, 2017 - Volume 18, No. 1-2, 2017
  • Gordan Akrap: Resilient Critical Infrastructure - Zagreb Security Forum 2017.
  • Yair Cohen: Cyber – The Fifth Dimension
  • Laris Gaiser: Resilient Critical Infrastructure and Economic Intelligence in the Cyber Domain
  • Veerle Pashley, Marc Cools: Pieces of a Larger Puzzle: the Almost Impossible Task of Protecting Critical Infrastructures
  • Damir Kovač, Velimir Ostoić: Oil and Gas Sector: A Proposal for Real -Time Crisis Management Decision Support Tools
  • Antonia Dimou: Energy as an East Mediterranean Opportunity and Challenge
  • Tonći Prodan: Maritime Terrorism and Resilience of Martitime Critical Infrastructure
  • André Ranson: The 2014 UAV Threat to French Nuclear Power Plants
  • Pavle Kalinić, Anastazija Bakran, Boris Guberina: Upravljanje Vodom u Gradu Zagrebu
  • Ioannis E. Anastasakis: Electric Energy: “The Case of Greece”
Published / Objavljeno: 07 pro 2017 03:52:00
Svezak 17, br. 3, 2016 - Volume 17, No 3, 2016
  • Paško Radica (Vedran Matošić): Bosna i Hercegovina – Nedovršena država, podijeljeno društvo, i nemogućnost konstituiranja političke zajednice - Bosnia and Herzegovina - An Unfinished State, a Divided Society, and the Impossibility of Constituting a Political Community
  • Nikola Mlinac: Političke i sigurnosne dimenzije korištenja društvenih mreža u suvremenom informacijskom prostoru - Political and Security Dimensions of the use of Social Networks in the Modern Information Environment
  • Gordan Akrap, Miroslav Tuđman: Southeaster Europe (SEE) – Intelligence and Security Services Battlefield?
Published / Objavljeno: 05 pro 2016 09:35:00
Svezak 17, No.1-2, 2016 - Volume 17, No. 1-2, 2016
Published / Objavljeno: 09 lis 2016 06:48:00
Svezak 16, br.2-3, 2015 - Volume 16, No. 2-3, 2015
  • Gordan Akrap, Pavle Kalinić: Forced migrations – powerful non-kinetic weapon 
  • Duje Ančić: Strateško komuniciranje u Europskoj uniji i Sjevernoatlanskom savezu - STRATCOM in EU and NATO
  • Roman Domović: Metodologija provođenja informacijskih operacija Information Operations Methodology
  • Miroslav Tuđman: "48 absurd meetings between Tuđman and Milošević"
Published / Objavljeno: 26 tra 2016 09:07:00
Svezak 16, br. 1, 2015 - Volume 16, No. 1, 2015
  • Miroslav Tuđman: The principles and determinants of Dr. Franjo Tuđman's national strategy 
  • Tonći Prodan: Internet, terorizam, protuterorizam - Internet, Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Published / Objavljeno: 02 tra 2015 09:55:00
Svezak 15, br. 2-3, 2014 - Volume 15, No. 2-3, 2014
  • Zapisnik: Magnetofonske bilješke sa petog sastanka predsjednika predsjedništava i predsjednika republika; Cetinje 29. travnja 1991. godine - Transcripts from the fifth meeting of the Presidents of the Presidency and the Presidents of the Republics; Cetinje on April 29, 1991
  • Zapisnik: Magnetofonski snimak šestog sastanka predsjednika republika i predsjednika predsjedništava republika, Stojčevac kod Sarajeva 6. lipnja 1991. godine Transcripts from the sixth meeting of the Presidents of the Presidency and the Presidents of the Republics; Stojčevac near Sarajevo on June 6, 1991
  • Stenografske beleške sa razgovora predsednika SIV-a Ante Markovića sa rukovodstvom Republike Slovenije i Republike Hrvatske; Beograd 19. lipnja 1991. godine - Transcripts from the conversation between Yugoslavian government president Ante Marković and the leadership of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia; Belgrade, June 19, 1991
Published / Objavljeno: 15 lis 2014 09:51:00
Svezak 15, br. 1, 2014 - Volume 15, No. 1, 2014
  • Zapisnik sa sestanka predsednikov republik in predsednikov predsedstev republik na Brdu pri Kranju, dne 11.4.1991. - Minutes from the meeting of the president's of Republics and the president's of the presidency of the Republics on the Brdo pri Kranju, on April 11, 1991.
  • Zapisnik: Četvrti sostanok na predsedatelite na republikite i predsedatelite na predsedatelstvata na republikite (magnetofonski beleški), Ohrid, 18. april 1991. godina - Minutes: Fourth meeting of the president's of Republics and the president's of the presidency of the Republics (recordings), Ohrid, April 18, 1991
Published / Objavljeno: 12 ožu 2014 08:41:00
Svezak 14, br. 3-4, 2013 - Volume 14, No. 3-4, 2013
  • Roman Domović: Stajališta predsjednika republika i predsjednika predsjedništava republika o ustavno-pravnoj krizi SFRJ na pregovorima od ožujka do lipnja 1991. - The positions of the presidents of the Republics and the presidents of the presidencies of the Republics on the constitutional and legal crisis of the SFRY at the negotiations from March to June 1991.
  • Zapisnik razgovora predsjednika republika i predsjednika predsjedništava republika, Split 28. ožujka 1991. - Minutes of the conversation between the presidents of the Republics and the presidents of the presidencies of the Republics, Split, March 28, 1991.
Published / Objavljeno: 27 pro 2013 08:37:00
Svezak 14, br. 2, 2013 - Volume 14, No. 2, 2013
  • Damirka Mihaljević: The Balkan Political Culture – The Problem of Democratization 
  • Roman Domović: Autentičnost sintagme „200 obitelji“ / The Authenticity of the phrase "200 Families"
  • Roman Domović: Prepolovljen broj Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini zbog hrvatske politike devedesetih – informacija ili dezinformacija? / The Number of croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina halved due to the Croatian Policy of the 1990s - information or disinformation?
  • Gordan Akrap, Miroslav Tuđman: From totalitarian to democratic intelligence community – case of Croatia (1990-2014)
Published / Objavljeno: 02 srp 2013 08:31:00
Svezak 14, br. 1, 2013 - Volume 14, No. 1, 2013
  • Miroslav Tuđman: Izvještajne službe i meka moć - Intelligence Agencies and the Soft Power
  • Joško Badžim: Obavještajne i represivne službe u suprotstavljanju kriminalitetu koji predstavlja prijetnju nacionalnoj sigurnosti - Intelligence and Repressive Agencies in Combating Crime that Poses a Threat to National Security
  • Roman Domović: Tehnike informacijskih operacija: Globusove karte o podjeli Bosne i Hercegovine - Information Operations Techinques - Maps published by Globus on Bosnia and Herzegovina Divisions
Published / Objavljeno: 18 tra 2013 08:25:00
Svezak 13, br. 4, 2012 - Volume 13, No. 4, 2012
  • Ekspertski izveštaj tima za vojne analize za predmet IT-95-13 / Expert Report of the Military Analysis Team for case IT-95-13
  • Appeals Judgement Summary for Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markač 
  • Silvija Missoni, Lidija Lasić (Bilić Pešić): Prikaz rada apoteke Glavnog sanitetskog stožera Hrvatske za vrijeme Domovinskog rata / Work of the Croatia's Main Medical HQ Pharmacy during Homeland War
Published / Objavljeno: 28 pro 2012 11:19:00
Svezak 13, br. 3, 2012 - Volume 13, No. 3, 2012
  • Hrvoje Vuković: Kibernetska sigurnost i sustav borbe protiv kibernetskih prijetnji u Republici Hrvatskoj / Cyber Security and the System of Combating Cyber Threats in the Republic of Croatia
  • Siniša Košutić: Sustavi ranog upozoravanja / Early Warning Systems
  • Tomislav Đozić: Gospodarska špijunaža - paradigma modernog svijeta / Economic Espionage: a Paradigm of the Modern World
  • Natalia Anić: Odnosi s javnošću – bitan dio političkog marketinga / Public Relations-An Essential Part of Political Marketing
  • Andrej Sardelić: Politika izdavaštva poštanskih maraka Republike Hrvatske / Postage Stamps Issuing Policy of the Republic of Croatia
Published / Objavljeno: 10 lis 2012 10:12:00
Svezak 13, br. 1-2, 2012 - Volume 13, No. 1-2, 2012
  • Branko Hebrang: Politička promidžba kao socijalna pojava / Political Propaganda as a Social Phenomenon
  • Vilko Klasan: Utjecaj proliferacije oružja za masovno uništenje na sigurnost Europske unije / The Impact of the Proliferation of WMD on the Security of the EU
Published / Objavljeno: 04 lip 2012 03:06:00
Svezak 12, br. 4, 2011 - Volume 12, No. 4, 2011
  • Stjepan Sučić: Strategijske značajke Domovinskog rata tijekom 1991. / Strategic Features of the Homeland War during 1991
  • Vine Mihaljević: Uloge i značenja religije u stradanju Vukovara '91. godine i u obnovi Vukovara u poslijeratnom razdoblju / The Roles and Meanings of Religion in the Suffering of Vukovar in 1991 and in the Reconstruction of Vukovar in the Post-War Period


Published / Objavljeno: 28 pro 2011 07:00:00
Svezak 12, br. 3, 2011 - Volume 12, No.3, 2011
  • Stjepan Sučić: Značaj obrane Vukovara u stvaranju hrvatske države / The Significance of the Defense ov Vukovar in the Creation of the Croatian State
  • Prilozi - Značaj obrane Vukovara u stvaranju hrvatske države / Documents: The Significance of the Defense ov Vukovar in the Creation of the Croatian State 
  • Dražen Živić: Demografske osnove poslijeratnog razvoja grada Vukovara 1991.-2011. / Demographic Bases of the Post-War Development of the City of Vukovar 1991-2011
Published / Objavljeno: 03 lis 2011 06:53:00
Svezak 12, br. 1-2, 2011 - Volume 12, No. 1-2, 2011
Dr. sc. Gordan Akrap: Suradnja izvještajno-sigurnosnih sustava DDR-a i SFRJ , Cooperation between intelligence and security systems of German Democratic Republic and Yugoslavia (PDF, 445kB)


Dokumente des Ministerium für Staatsicherheit - Betreff: Jugoslawien / Documents of former Ministry of Security of German Democratic Republic - Subject Yugoslavia

Published / Objavljeno: 25 svi 2011 06:40:00
Svezak 11, br. 4, 2010 - Volume 11, No. 4, 2010
  • Slavko Barić: Vojne strategije i asimetrično ratovanje - Military Strategies and Asymmetric Warfare
  • Gordan Akrap: Mač i štit u rikama partije – Represivni sustav u funkciji oblikovanja korpusa javnoga znanja - Sword and shield in the hands of the party – Repressive system in the function of shaping the body of public knowledge
Published / Objavljeno: 17 pro 2010 09:52:00
Svezak 11, br. 2-3, 2010 - Volume 11, No. 2-3, 2010
  • Marko Lončar: Činjenice o “Optužnici” koju je pročitao Siniša Glavašević  - The facts about the "Indictment" read by Siniša Glavašević
  • Roman Domović: Inverzija istine - metoda ostvarivanja dominacije u javnom informacijskom prostoru - Inversion of the truth - a method of achieving dominance in the public information environment
  • Izvješće državne komisije o pripremi i vođenju obrane Vukovara, Zagreb, studeni/prosinac 1991. - Report of the State commission on the preparation and management of the defense of Vukovar
Published / Objavljeno: 16 lip 2010 12:24:00
Svezak 11, br. 1, 2010 - Volume 11, No. 1, 2010

Davor Domazet-Lošo: Analiza “Brijunskoga transkripta” ili Brijuni 31. srpnja 1995. – 10 sati i 50 minuta / "Brijuni Transcripts" Analysis - 10 hours and 50 minutes

Damirka Mihaljević: Ima li i Bosna i Hercegovina priliku izgraditi zajednički sustav vrijednosti? / Does Bosnia and Herzegoivna also have the Opportunity to Build a Common System of Values?

Zapisnik. Sastanak predsjednika Republike Hrvatske dr. Franje Tuđmana s vojnim dužnosnicima, održan dana 31. srpnja 1995. na Brijunima ("Brijunski transkripti") / Meeting of the President of the Republic of Croatia Dr. Franjo Tuđman with Military Officials held on July 31, 1995 in Brijuni (Brijuni Transcripts)

Published / Objavljeno: 23 ožu 2010 09:58:00
Svezak 10, br. 3-4, 2009 - Volume 10, No. 3-4, 2009

Wilhelm Dietl: Covername: Dali
Miroslav Tuđman: Informacijske operacije i mediji ili kako osigurati informacijsku superiornost - Information Operations and Media - or how to Ensure Information Superiority

Radenko RadojčićIzjava - Statement

Published / Objavljeno: 15 pro 2009 09:53:00
Svezak 10, br. 2, 2009 - Volume 10, No. 2, 2009
Vilko Klasan: Upravljanje vojnim znanjem / Management of Military Knowledge

Gordan Akrap: Informacijske strategije i oblikovanje javnoga znanja / Information Strategies and Public Knowledge Shaping

Saša Mrduljaš: Prvi međunarodni pokušaj unitarizacije Bosne i Hercegovine: Vance-Owenov plan / The First International Attempt to Unitize Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Vance-Owen Plan

Published / Objavljeno: 16 lip 2009 09:46:00
Svezak 10, br. 1, 2009 - Volume 10, No. 1, 2009
Daniel Pustelnik and Ante Lucic: American Relations with Saudi Arabia: An Assessment of Shifting Policies 

Ante Lucic: The Funnel Effect: Failure of the United States’ Involvement in Lebanon 1982-1984 

Ante Lucic: Hezbollah: An Iranian Project? 

Ante Lucic: Obama’s Potential for the Normalization of the Middle East

Published / Objavljeno: 20 ožu 2009 09:38:00
Svezak 9, br. 4, 2008 - Volume 9, No. 4, 2008
Dr. sc. Miroslav Međimorec: Izvršio sam zapovijed: odveo sam u smrt 900 Hrvata
Published / Objavljeno: 23 pro 2008 09:24:00
Svezak 9, br. 3, 2008 - Volume 9, No. 3, 2008

Thomas Patrick Melady, Sean Hilscher: Intelligence: Worldwide Cooperation 

Andrew N. Liaropoulos:  The Institutional Dimension of Greek Security Policy: Is there a need for a National Security Council?

Ivica Lučić: Komunistički progoni Katoličke crkve u Bosni i Hercegovini 1945.-1990.  / Communist Persecution of the Catholic Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1945-1990

Gordana Iličić: Hrvati u BiH 1991.-1995. godine: nacionalni sukobi i uloga međunarodne zajednice u mirovnim procesima Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1995: National Conflicts and the Role of the International Community in Peace Processes

Published / Objavljeno: 17 ruj 2008 08:55:00
Svezak 9, br. 1-2, 2008 - Volume 9, No. 1-2, 2008
Arnon Soffer: The Connection between Demography and National and International Security – The Case of the EU

Miroslav Tuđman: New European Values and Small Nations 

Steven Oluic: Radical Islam on Europe’s Frontier - Bosnia & Herzegovina 

Daniel Ćosić-Dragan: Poslovnost i izvjesništvo / Bussines and Intelligence

John M. Nomikos: Greek Intelligence Service (NIS-EYP): Past, Present and

Daniel Ćosić-Dragan: Islam - Pitanja i odgovori / Islam: Q&A

Published / Objavljeno: 03 srp 2008 08:50:00
Svezak 8, br. 4, 2007 - Volume 8, No. 4, 2007
Tomo Šimić : Dokumenti predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine 1991. - 1994. Vol 7 Documents of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1994 Vol 7
Published / Objavljeno: 18 pro 2007 08:44:00
Svezak 8, br. 3, 2007. - Volume 8, No. 3, 2007
Tomo Šimić : Dokumenti predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine 1991. - 1994. Vol 6 Documents of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1994 Vol 6
Published / Objavljeno: 20 ruj 2007 08:25:00
Svezak 8, br. 2, 2007. - Volume 8, No. 2, 2007
Tomo Šimić : Dokumenti predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine 1991. - 1994. Vol 5 Documents of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1994 Vol 5
Published / Objavljeno: 11 srp 2007 08:21:00
Svezak 8, br. 1, 2007. - Volume 8, No. 1, 2007
Tomo Šimić : Dokumenti predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine 1991. - 1994. Vol 4 / Documents of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1994 Vol 4
Published / Objavljeno: 01 ožu 2007 08:18:00
Svezak 7, br. 4, 2006. - Volume 7, No. 4, 2006
Tomo Šimić : Dokumenti predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine 1991. - 1994. Vol 3 / Documents of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1994 Vol 3
Published / Objavljeno: 21 pro 2006 08:11:00
Svezak 7, br. 3, 2006. - Volume 7, No. 3, 2006
Tomo Šimić : Dokumenti predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine 1991. - 1994. Vol 2 / Documents of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1994 Vol 2
Published / Objavljeno: 21 ruj 2006 08:04:00
Svezak 7, br. 1-2, 2006. - Volume 7, No. 1-2, 2006
Tomo Šimić : Dokumenti predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine 1991. - 1994. Vol 1 / Documents of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-1994 Vol 1
Published / Objavljeno: 03 svi 2006 08:01:00
Svezak 6, br. 3-4, 2005. - Volume 6, No. 3-4, 2005
  • Božo Žepić: Prijedlozi i planovi međunarodne zajednice za Bosnu i Hercegovinu - Proposals and plans of the international community for Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ivo Lučić: Ima li Hercegovine? (Tko i zašto negira Hercegovinu i Hercegovce?) - Does Herzegovina exist? (Who and why denies Herzegovina and Herzegovinians?)
  • Mladen Ančić: Što je Bosna bez Hercegovine? - What is Bosnia without Herzegovina?
  • Radoslav Dodig: Hercegovina ili esej o "zemlji na ćenaru" - Herzegovina or an essay on "land on the ćenar"
  • Ivo Lučić: Evolution and Condition of the Elites in Bosnia-Herzegovina - A Personal View 
Published / Objavljeno: 29 stu 2005 07:56:00
Svezak 6, br. 1-2, 2005. - Volume 6, No. 1-2, 2005
Božo Žepić: Četiri modela ustavnog preuređenja Bosne i Herzegovina - Four models of constitutional reorganization of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ivan Bilić (Gordan Akrap): Kronologija raspada SFRJ i stvaranje Republike Hrvatske do 15. siječnja 1992. - Chronology of the disintegration of the SFRY and the creation of the Republic of Croatia until January 15, 1992

Published / Objavljeno: 25 svi 2005 07:48:00
Svezak 5, br. 1-4, 2004. - Volume 5, No. 1-4, 2004
Miroslav Međimorec: MEDAČKI DŽEP - II DIO: Prijepori
Published / Objavljeno: 23 stu 2004 07:37:00
Svezak 4, br. 1-4, 2003. - Volume 4, no. 1-4, 2003
Miroslav Međimorec: MEDAČKI DŽEP - I DIO: Nepostojeća bitka
Published / Objavljeno: 15 srp 2003 07:25:00
Volume 3, Number 3-4, Autumn-Winter 2002.


Miroslav Tuđman: In memoriam - Stevan Dedijer

Published / Objavljeno: 15 lis 2002 06:12:00
Volume 3, Number 1-2, Spring-Summer 2002.
Published / Objavljeno: 03 svi 2002 05:22:00
Volume 2, Number 3-4, Autumn-Winter 2001.
Published / Objavljeno: 16 lis 2001 04:39:00
Volume 2, br. 1-2, 2001
  • Thomas Melady: Intelligence Operations and the Prevention of War

  • Carlo Bellinzona: EU Enlargement: a broad and credible security agenda

  • Heinz Gärtner: European Security, NATO and the Transatlantic Link: Crisis Management

  • Heinz Gärtner: Petersberg  Tasks,  Transatlantic  Relations and Division of Labour

  • Ian Anthony: Southeast Issues in the South East Europe

  • Carlo Jean: The Policies of the European Union and NATO

  • Radovan Vukadinović: Security Issues in the South East Europe

  • Reneo Lukić: The Balkan Challenges of the New Bush Administration

  • Miroslav Tuđman: National Identity and Collective Human Rights: Lessons we did not learn from the crises in South-East Europe

  • Martin Raguž: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Five Years After Dayton

  • Kenneth Allard: Dayton II: Is it possible? Is it necessary?

  • Miodrag Vlahović: A Democratic Montenegro as a Factor of Peace in the Balkans

  • Arian Starova: Albania on its Way to Euro-Atlantic Integration

  • Gary Demsey: Bosnia: The Making of a Potemkin State

Published / Objavljeno: 12 ruj 2001 01:25:00
NACIONALNA SIGURNOST I BUDUĆNOST - National Security and the Future
(ZBORNIK, SVEZAK 1, 2001. - Proceedings - No. 1, 2001)
Published / Objavljeno: 31 sij 2001 03:25:00
Volume 1, Number 3-4, Autumn-Winter 2000.
NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE is dedicated to the advancement and understanding of principles and practices of intelligence and national security in contemporary history and foreign policy.


Published / Objavljeno: 30 ruj 2000 02:03:00
Volume 1, Number 2, Summer 2000.
NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE is dedicated to the advancement and understanding of principles and practices of intelligence and national security in contemporary history and foreign policy.

Published / Objavljeno: 19 srp 2000 11:44:00
Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2000.
NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE FUTURE is dedicated to the advancement and understanding of principles and practices of intelligence and national security in contemporary history and foreign policy.

Published / Objavljeno: 18 tra 2000 10:23:00