Intelligence Systems
Dosadašnja istraživanja sigurnosno-obavještajnog sustava Republike Hrvatske - Previous Researches of the Security and Intelligence System of the Republic of Croatia
(Volume 24, No. 2, 2023.)
U ovome radu sintetiziraju se i sistematiziraju dosadašnja istraživanja sigurnosno-obavještajnog sustava Hrvatske / This paper synthesizes and systematizes previous research into the security and intelligence system of Croatia.
Autor: Ante Batistić | Objavljeno: 05 srp 2023 05:13:00
Generic Control System Architecture For Critical Infrastructure Protection
(Zagreb Security Forum 2016)
(Volume 17, Number 1-2, 2016.)
In an interconnected world that we live in, protection of our societies and values relies highly on critical infrastructures. The more we are developed, the higher is the dependency on critical infrastructures, the higher are the stakes and risk impacts of threat to it. From the perspectiive of an EU member country, the approach in protection of the critical infrastructures takes into account the national, regional and EU level with respective aligned regulattory frameworks and policies.
Autor: Hrvoje Sagrak | Objavljeno: 09 lis 2016 11:11:00
Intelligence Requirements For Cyber Defense, Critical Infrastructure And Energy Security In Greece
(Zagreb Security Forum 2016)
(Volume 17, Number 1-2, 2016.)
The end of the Cold War more than a decade ago created a world in which the relative stability between the two superpowers has disappeared. During the Cold War, a country’s every action was conducted in the light of the adversary relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union. The cataclysmic changes that took place in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Arab Spring in North Africa and Middle East changed the face of politics in Europe and in the Western world as a whole.
Autor: John M. Nomikos | Objavljeno: 09 lis 2016 08:20:00
OSINT: A Major Source Of Up-To-Date Information
(Zagreb Security Forum 2016)
(Volume 17, Number 1-2, 2016.)
In recent years, OSINT (Open source Intelligence) has undergone a quantitative and qualitative revolution. In the present article, we shall discuss recent developments in OSINT, (in particular Big Data Analysis) its use in Israel, as well as trends and challenges for the future. OSINT is the term for the processing of open sources information, and is therefore a meta-level. OSINT refers to intelligence information that has undergone integration, analysis, and evaluation. OSINT is the output of open source material processing.
Autor: Ephraim Lapid | Objavljeno: 09 lis 2016 08:13:00
Development & Intelligence 2003-2053
(Volume 3, Number 3-4, Autumn-Winter 2002.)
Every morning when you awake you should become aware that the world around you is changing more rapidly than ever before in the l0 million years of human history.
Autor: Stevan Dedijer | Objavljeno: 15 lis 2002 09:50:00
Modeling of Modern Business Intelligence Analytical Functions Based on Stochastic Simulation
(Volume 3, Number 1-2, Spring-Summer 2002.)
A new model of analytical function has been developed for modern Business Intelligence Analysis (BIA). The Croatian model is being used for intelligence investigations of various financial events, markets, subjects or entities, and for financial BIA control methods. The financial BIA functional entropy was predicted utilizing the soft computing process (based on fuzzy logic) and various stochastic simulations. This study explains the simulation-modeling concept of the BIA function. The queuing M/M/s model with priorities was used for solving different stochastic simulations. In practice, the BIA simulation model can be used for measuring analytical capacity.
Autor: Vladimir Šimović, Vilko Žiljak, Tomislav Kosić | Objavljeno: 03 svi 2002 05:47:00
Research of Classical and Intelligent Information System Solutions for Criminal Intelligence Analysis
(Volume 2, Number 3-4, Autumn-Winter 2001.)
The intelligence and classical software solutions researched, proposed, and presented in this study were used in developing the integrated information system for the Croatian Anti-money-laundering Department and the Croatian Criminal police. This software conforms to trends of operational research in criminal intelligence analysis, and is used in similar security information systems as well. The development and implementation of classical and intelligent software applications (and tools) was necessary to deal with criminals, their crimes, and the methods employed to engage in money-laundering. The goal of the research is to address a full range of problem areas and illustrate the potential and benefit of integrating classical and intelligent applications in the selected problem area.
Autor: Vladimir Šimović | Objavljeno: 16 lis 2001 05:16:00