Online Volumes And Issues
Svezak 16, br.2-3, 2015 - Volume 16, No. 2-3, 2015
26 tra 2016 09:07:00

Volume 16 / 2015 / Number 2-3
ISSN 1332-4454

Impressum (PDF)

Content (PDF)


Gordan Akrap, Pavle Kalinić: Forced migrations – powerful non-kinetic weapon

Duje Ančić: Strateško komuniciranje u Europskoj uniji i Sjevernoatlanskom savezu -STRATCOM in EU and NATO


Roman Domović: Metodologija provođenja informacijskih operacija - Information Operations Methodology

Miroslav Tuđman: "48 Absurd Meetings Between Tuđman and Milošević



is dedicated to the advancement and understanding of principles and practices of intelligence and national security in contemporary history and foreign policy.



Prof. dr. Miroslav Tuđman, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia



Editorial Board:


Dr. Gordan Akrap, Zagreb, Croatia

Admiral Davor Domazet Lošo, Former Chief of General Staff of Croatian Armed Forces,  Croatia

Victor Jackovich, Retired Ambassador, USA

Prof. dr. Slavica Juka, University of Mostar, Faculty of Philosophy, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. dr. Klaus Lange, Dir. Institute for Transnational Studies, Landshut, Head of Dept. for International Security Politics, Hanns Seidel Foundation, Munich

Doc. dr. Ivo Lučić, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb, Croatia

Dr. Miroslav Medimorec, Retired Ambassador, Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. dr. John Nomikos, Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS),  Greece

Prof. dr. Shlomo Spiro, Bar Ilan University, Israel

Prof. dr. Iko Skoko, University of Mostar, Faculty of Philosophy, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Doug Smith, Consultant, Former CIA Senior offi­cer, USA



St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja, 10000 Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 3,  Croatia


Contact: Manuscripts, editorial communications, and books for review should be directed to:
The National Security and the Future, St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja,

10000 Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 3, Croatia;

Published in Spring/Summer, Autumn and Winter Vol. 16 (2015)

NSF Online:   //


National Security and the Future is a refereed journal. Authors should consult the Guidelines for Contributors at the back of the journal before submitting their final draft. The editor cannot accept responsibility for any damage to or loss of manuscripts. Statements and facts or opinion appearing in National Security and the Future are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the editors or publisher



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