Online Volumes And Issues
Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2000.
18 tra 2000 10:23:00

Editorial: Janos Matus, Miroslav Tuđman

Guest Editorial: Francesco Cossiga



Krešimir Ćosić, Srećko Domljanović: Crises in Southeast Europe (1990-1999): Have we learned anything?

John Train: Kosovo Some Lessons

Tome Batkovski: View on the Current Situation in Kosovo

Plamen Pantev: Negotiating in the Balkans: The Prenegotiation Perspective


L.V. Shebarshin: Intelligence in the XXI Century

Helene L. Boatner: Sharing and Using Intelligence in International Organizations: Some Guidelines


Jordan Baev: US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948-1991)

Davor Domazet: How Aggression Against Croatia And Bosnia-Herzegovina Was Prepared Or The Transformation Of The JNA Into A Serbian Imperial Force

Davor Marijan: The War in Bosnia and Herzegovina Or the Unacceptable Lightness of 'Historicism'

A. Liakhovsky: The Civil War in Afghanistan. Causes for leading to the War


Ashton B. Cartner, William J. Perry (1999). Preventive Defense: A New Security Strategy for America
Krešimir Ćosić, Dražen Penzar

Robert M. Hayden (1999). Blueprints for a House Divided: The Constitutional Logic of the Yugoslav Conflicts
Marijan Gubić

Daniel Patrick Moynihan (1998). Secrecy: The American experience; introduction by Richard Gid Powers
Stribor Kikerec

Compilation of Papers and Studies (1977). Geopolitical Reality of the Serb Nation. Belgrade: Institute for Geopolitical Studies.
Josip Esterajher

J. Blaskovich (1997). Anatonomy of Deceit. An American Physician's First-hand Encounter with the Realities of the War in Croatia. New York: Dunhill Publishing, Co.
Ivan Krešimir Lukić

Report of the International Commission on the Balkans (1996). Unfinished Peace. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Predrag Haramija






Prof. dr. Janos Matus, Zrinyi Miklos National Defence University, Department of Security Studies, Hungary
Prof. dr. Miroslav Tuđman, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia

Editorial Board:

Doc. W. Agrell, Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Christopher Andrew, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, UK
Gen. Todor Boyadjiev, President, Bulgarian Euro Atlantic Intelligence Forum, Sofia, Bulgaria
Oldrich Cerney, Executive Director, Forum 2000
Prof. dr. Stevan Dedijer, Consultant in Integrated Intelligence, Lund University, Sweden
Richard Kerr, Consultant, Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, USA
Miroslav Međimorec, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zagreb, Croatia
Gen. Leonid Shebarshin, President of the Russian National Economic Security Service, Moscow, RF; Former Deputy Director of KGB SSSR
Richard Stolz, Consultant, Former Deputy Director of Operations of Central Intelligence Agency, USA

Secretary: Željka Jukić
Proof Reader: Slavka Jureta
English Language Editors: Julienne Bušić, Marijan Gubić
Computer layout: Mario Miljavac
Printed by: KATMA, Zagreb

Manuscripts, editorials communications, and books for review should be directed to:

The National Security and the Future
St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja
10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Ruđera Boškovića 20
Tel. + 385 1 4921 099; Fax: + 385 1 4921 101

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National Security and the Future will be a refereed journal. Authors should consult the Guidelines for Contributors at the back of the journal before submitting their final draft. The editor cannot accept responsibility for any damage to or loss of manuscripts. Statements and facts or opinion appearing in National Security and the Future are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the editors or publishers.

Published in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
Vol. 1 (2000) one double issue (Autumn/Winter)

St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Ruđera Boškovića 20
Tel. + 385 1 4921 099; Fax: + 385 1 4921 101

Cover picture was taken with permission from Miro Andrić's book "Hrvatsko podmorje", Zagreb: Car Herc, 1999, p. 8. (Motive; 5m. below sea level, island Palagruža)

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